IEC/TS 62565-1:2023

IEC/TS 62565-1:2023

mai 2023
Spécification technique En vigueur

Nanomanufacturing - Product specifications - Part 1: Basic concepts

IEC TS 62565-1:2023 which is a Technical Specification, defines the system of blank detail specifications for nanomaterials and nano-assemblies as well as final nano-enabled products addressed in the nanomanufacturing value chain. It defines the concepts of blank detail specification (BDS), detail specification (DS) and key control characteristic (KCC). Furthermore, it provides guidelines how to develop and use product specifications, particularly the IEC 62565 series, in the field of nanotechnology. This document also provides guidelines regarding the certification and reliability aspects for products specified by a DS and associated KCCs. NOTE 1 The IEC 62565 series uses an open generic structure that can be flexibly adapted to technical developments. The double indexing of the individual parts allows grouping into technology areas without restriction due to an overly strict hierarchical structure. NOTE 2 Key elements of the IEC 62565 series are a consensus-based set of key control characteristics (KCCs) with clear definitions and standardized measurement procedures to measure them.

Informations générales


Normes internationales IEC

Date de publication

mai 2023

Nombre de pages

29 p.


IEC/TS 62565-1:2023

Codes ICS

07.120   Nanotechnologies

Numéro de tirage

Nanomanufacturing - Product specifications - Part 1: Basic concepts

IEC TS 62565-1:2023 which is a Technical Specification, defines the system of blank detail specifications for nanomaterials and nano-assemblies as well as final nano-enabled products addressed in the nanomanufacturing value chain.
It defines the concepts of blank detail specification (BDS), detail specification (DS) and key control characteristic (KCC). Furthermore, it provides guidelines how to develop and use product specifications, particularly the IEC 62565 series, in the field of nanotechnology.
This document also provides guidelines regarding the certification and reliability aspects for products specified by a DS and associated KCCs.
NOTE 1 The IEC 62565 series uses an open generic structure that can be flexibly adapted to technical developments. The double indexing of the individual parts allows grouping into technology areas without restriction due to an overly strict hierarchical structure.
NOTE 2 Key elements of the IEC 62565 series are a consensus-based set of key control characteristics (KCCs) with clear definitions and standardized measurement procedures to measure them.
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