IEC/TS 61400-29:2023

IEC/TS 61400-29:2023

février 2023
Spécification technique En vigueur

Wind energy generation systems - Part 29: Marking and lighting of wind turbines

IEC TS 61400-29:2023, which is a Technical Specification, instils good practice for aviation lighting and marking of wind turbines in both onshore and offshore domains. Consideration is given to visible lighting and infrared (IR) lighting, which is necessary to maintain conspicuity to users of night vision goggles (NVGs). ICAO Annex 14 Standards and Recommended Practices have been used as the basis to develop supplementary harmonised specifications to assist with implementation. This document provides a set of technical requirements for marking and lighting of wind turbines with a tip height from/at 150 meters and below 315 meters Above Ground Level (AGL), or Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL) for offshore sites. This will improve situational awareness for airspace users, maintain safety of aircraft flying in the vicinity of wind turbines, and provide additional tools to assist with the reduction in environmental impacts consistent with aviation safety objectives.

Informations générales


Normes internationales IEC

Date de publication

février 2023

Nombre de pages

30 p.


IEC/TS 61400-29:2023

Codes ICS

27.180   Énergie éolienne

Numéro de tirage

Wind energy generation systems - Part 29: Marking and lighting of wind turbines

IEC TS 61400-29:2023, which is a Technical Specification, instils good practice for aviation lighting and marking of wind turbines in both onshore and offshore domains. Consideration is given to visible lighting and infrared (IR) lighting, which is necessary to maintain conspicuity to users of night vision goggles (NVGs). ICAO Annex 14 Standards and Recommended Practices have been used as the basis to develop supplementary harmonised specifications to assist with implementation.
This document provides a set of technical requirements for marking and lighting of wind turbines with a tip height from/at 150 meters and below 315 meters Above Ground Level (AGL), or Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL) for offshore sites. This will improve situational awareness for airspace users, maintain safety of aircraft flying in the vicinity of wind turbines, and provide additional tools to assist with the reduction in environmental impacts consistent with aviation safety objectives.
Normes remplacées (1)
IEC 61000-1-1:1992
avril 1992
Norme internationale Annulée
Compatibilité électromagnétique (CEM) - Partie 1 : généralités - Section 1 : application et interprétation de définitions et termes fondamentaux

Donne une description et une interprétation de termes fondamentaux pour les concepts et l'application pratique dans la conception et évaluation des systèmes électromagnétiquement compatibles. Cette publication a le statut d'un rapport.

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